"I have been working with Mike as my run coach for about a year. Before working with him, it was difficult for me to keep my motivation up to run consistently. I would start, and stop and then quit. He has been a phenomenal running coach and has provided me with some awesome advice not just for running but for my overall health and well-being.
I have learned alot about myself in the last year about my mental health and how my body movement contributes to it. If I’m having a bad mayor week and I can’t run, there is no guilt associated with it since being coached my Mike.
Since working with Mike, running has become much more enjoyable and has become something that I really look forward to. Mike has a real, genuine energy about him that is hugely motivational and inspiring. He has taken his experience and knowledge, both from his own running and from coaching others and uses it to ensure your success regardless of where you are in your running journey!"
— Laine Silver - Ottawa, Ontario
" I started working with Mike because I needed the expertise and accountability a coach would bring to help me level up my running. What I got working with Mike was far more that I could ever have imagined. He created an environment of positivity, motivation, encouragement for me to learn more about myself, my habits(good and bad) and a safe space to try new things and get uncomfortable in an effort to achieve my goals. In every conversation we had, Mike’s insight and feedback resulted in me feeling more confident in my ability. Mike helped me push myself harder than I’ve ever pushed during a training cycle - which is exactly what I wanted. I made improvements in 4 months in not only my running performance but more importantly, in my mental game. I am thrilled with my results from working with Mike and I am looking forward to crushing more goals in the future."
— Jeannine Tully - Vancouver, British Columbia
“When I signed up for my first marathon, the goal was to make it to the start line injury free. I had found traditional training plans the be daunting and incompatible with my schedule.
Mike provided a plan that encouraged variety, both on the road and through cross-training. He provided the positive energy and accountability I needed to hit the targets I was after, allowing me to reach the start line with a healthy amount of self confidence.
A result of training with Mike was that I learned how to find my edge and hold onto it on race day. Anyone with running goals, should consider training with Mike Porter. It is an absolute no-brainer.
Mike helped me redefine what was possible.”
— Dan Hincks - Vancouver, BC
Some people cross your path and change your whole direction. Mike Porter is one of those people. Hitting 40 and simultaneously leaving and alpine skiing coach role left me with time to pursue other sporting pursuits. I started training for a marathon, loosely directed by a friend who’d been trying(and failing) to go sub 4 hours in his previous attempts.
My past performances-50 plus minute 10k races and halfs around the two hour mark would suggest such a goal would be appropriately challenging. Mike had other ideas.
Mike was in Stockholm visiting his brother and we went on a trail run. After that run Mike positively and confidently suggested that with proper coaching, I could qualify for the Boston Marathon. This became my new goal. Madness you might think? I did, but Mike saw potential and I was willing to follow his plan.
Three months later, I Iined up at the Frankfurt Marathon and successfully crossed the finish line in 3:15 and qualified for Boston. Since that time, I embarked on a journey that would lead to Ironman and triathlon and my own swim and triathlon coaching business. Mike, I owe you big time and wish you and your athletes the best of success."
Tom Jenkinsen - Stockholm, Sweden
“With Mike as my run coach, he made things too easy and took the guesswork out of all of my run training and everything that that embodied. He made things easy for me- planning my runs, taking my feedback and customizing my training to my abilities, needs and my day to day life- All I had to to was RUN! I completed my first marathon at 50, ahead of my target goal and was only 3 minute from a Boston Qualifying time! I could not have done this without Mike’s help. His customized training plan. His MEGA positivity and his strong belief in has me feeling so blessed to have connected with Mike. "
— Lisa Richardson - Markham, Ontario
" Since I qualified for the Boston Marathon in 2012, my running had progressively gotten worse. The decline was not from a lack of desire to qualify again and be the strong runner I knew I could be. I knew I needed guidance as the cookie cutter and even other run training plans that were designed for me were not working. I needed expert guidance that would fit my lifestyle and my goals. After doing Mike Porter’s spin classes and learning that he had been a run coach for many years, I was drawn to him.
Mike was naturally positive supportive and encouraging on the bike and I once I started to work with him as my run coach, it was evident he carried that same mindset to his coaching, with the addition of expertise and experience from his own running and coaching of 20 years or so. I was used to running 5 or 6 times a week with past training plans, but when Mike was adamant that I would run 3 specific runs per week, that would allow my body to rest, stay injury free and get stronger in the process, I was hopeful and skeptical at the same time.
Only a month into my new training plan with Mike and I was sold on the process and I put my trust in the process and Mike’s philosophy. What I loved about Mike’s coaching outside of the actual plan that was tailored to me and modified weekly or daily, depending on what I was going through, were the weekly calls I would have with Mike to discuss my progress, questions, any issues I had, coupled with his motivation that always came from a positive and loving place. When I did injure myself in a non-running related incident, I was a bit deflated and almost resigned to simply completing the marathon, and the Boston Qualifying time would have to wait. Mike would check in be email and phone, and kept me positive and upbeat while keeping me believing that I can run this race, and run it well.
Fast forward to race day in Toronto. I ran a marathon that a personal best, was 36 minutes faster than my previous marathon and I will be on the start line in Boston next year!! Without Mike’s help, the old Danielle would have thrown in the towel and just gave up. Mike’s realism approach made the difference and I trusted him totally. Without Mike’s coaching and support, this never would have happened. But Mike would continually say to me “you did the work and I was only there to guide you”. Now I am already excited about my next training phase, and my next race under the guidance of Mike Porter!"
- Danielle Fillier- Conception Bay South, Newfoundland
I began working with Mike as my run coach to renew my focus on my health and well-being that I had strayed from for a long time. I needed to get back on track.I wanted to run again but didn’t know where to start. I feel incredibly lucky to have connected with Mike and I haven’t looked back since. Working with Mike has propelled me further than I ever could have imagined when I started.
Mike drives results for many reasons.
His expertise and smart program design provides the perfect mix of challenge fitness building and quick wins to keep me motivated and consistently elevating my performance. The second and more importantly, is his unwavering positive approach. Mike is a natural coach and will keep you focussed on what matters.
Rebuilding fitness is a tough road when I’ve had a setback, we talk it through and I’ve come away reconnected to my goals and looking forward. I am now starting to think about new bigger goals that I never would have even considered before. Mike is an exceptional coach and I am grateful to have had is support as a driving force on the path ahead!"
- Barb Kiff - Toronto, Ontario
"Prior to retaining Mike’s services, I had run three full marathons with a goal of finishing under four hours, using programs I had plucked from the internet. Each time I failed and on my third attempt, I finished with my worst time of 4:35. I was extremely discouraged.
Mike seemed to have even more confidence than I did that I could hit my goal with the proper plan and guidance.
For me, one of the hardest parts of run training is the mental aspect of it. Even thinking about training and following my own plan can become mentally draining. I was also prone to beating myself up if a run didn’t go according to plan and I could get down on myself.
When you have Mike as a running coach, all that goes away. All I had to do was run and Mike would do the rest.
Mike will also be your biggest fan and cheerleader. When I struggled he was there with bottomless positivity that would always pick me up. When I would hit a pb in a training run, Mike was more excited than I was.
Mike’s approach of three targeted runs a week works and as a result, over this training period, I hit numerous milestones, that I never thought was possible.
In June of 2020 on a very hot day, I ran my first marathon with Mike as my coach and finished in 3:53, taking 19 minutes off of my previous personal best.
Put your trust in Mike and his process and you won’t be disappointed.”
- Chris Bye - Hamilton, Ontario